Wanted The Perfect Pet

“Wanted The Perfect Pet” is written by Fiona Robertson. This book is about a boy who wants a dog but can not get the perfect one he wants. A duck meanwhile wants a friend so he disguises to be a dog but is a duck. The duck admitted he was a dog and the boy was not dissapointed but a little sad. He told the duck some rules that he had to follow if he wanted to be his friend.

The duck and the boy became best friends after. A text to self connection I have is getting the most perfect pet. I have three cats because dogs are dumb and I hate them. I got the perfect cat named George. George is the best cat ever and I love him.

After The Fall: How Humpty Dumpty Got Back Up Again

“After The Fall” is a book written by and illustrated by Dan Santat. This is kind of a sequel to the normal Humpty Dumpty book. In this book, the egg is scared of heights and going back up that wall. He is scared to do the things he loves and needs to get back into doing all the stuff he loves. Eventually, he has to overcome his fears and climb back up that wall. He gets up on that wall and then he jumps off and turns into a bird! He turns into a bird and starts to fly around. He overcame his fears if getting up that wall. One connection I can make to this book is overcoming your fears. I had a gigantic fear of swimming because one time I hit my head on a wall in the pool and I was so scared to do that again I didn’t go swimming for something like two months! My mom eventually made me go and I was freaking out like in my head I was thinking I am going to get a concussion or something. Text to media is the great wall of China and how I think of that and the wall is identical to this story.

“Wangari’s Trees Of Peace: A True Story From Africa”

“Wangari’s Trees Of Peace: A True Story From Africa.” This book is about trees. It takes place in Africa in a desert that used to be a forest. They do not allow women to plant trees cause only men are allowed to have jobs and stuff. They got paid a little bit to do it, it was there first earnings ever. I can connect to this book in no way. Connecting to this book is hard except for text to media. With people ruining the environment this is relatable. I can connect by planting trees. Planting trees will help the environment but it is hard and takes long to do. I rate this book a 3 out of 5 cause it is a bit boring,

The Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jacques Cousteau

This kids book was written and illustrated by Dan Yaccarino. “The Fantastic Undersea Life Of Jacques Cousteau” is a wonderful book which is a picture book and a kids book. It’s a book about the ocean and how beautiful it is. The person in the book is a real person but has sadly passed away. This book is a really good book for children. The man made TV shows and films. This book is wonderfully drawn and written. The author and illustrator has a lot of talent. Jacques wanted to go to the ocean floor and colonize the ocean and make labs. He brought the amazing world of sea life right to peoples living room. He put quotes in the book and they are really heart warming and you can tell he cares. A connection I have to this book is he cares about wildlife and so do I. A connection this book has to other media sources is the submarine. I really love watching videos on submarines cause they are so interesting. A text to world connection is people trying to help the sea life and protect the animals. What is sad is that one person is barely enough to help the sea life and we need more people. A text to text connection is the sea life encyclopedias that I like to read.  

Bat’s Big Game (Connections)

The author of the book “Bat’s Big Game” is Derek Munson. This book is about how a boy has an enemy names Jeremy Ross, the boy didn’t like Jeremy Ross one bit. So the boys dad gave him advice of how to get rid of an enemy. The boy thought is he going to poison him or make his hair fall out! But his dad had a different idea, it was to be his friend for a day and spend time with him! So when Jeremy Ross came to the boys house they had dinner and after they had the pie. The boy got worried and said watch out its poisonous! But his dad had already ate half of his and his plan all along was to make Jeremy a friend. I can connect to this book by the plan for his summer. Being on a good sports team, forts and stuff cause in the year of 2015 I did not go anywhere and I was on a development soccer team which is considered really good so that was my summer in 2015. I had an enemy and his name was Rafik. Rafik would always try to annoy people and make the worst out of you and made jokes that are a bit offensive… But my mom wanted to fix it so I went to his house played some video games and now he has changed. I hope…

Sir Circumfrence and a math adventure.

“Sir Cumfrence + The Dragon Of Pi : A Math Adventure.”  This book was written by Cindy Neuschwander and illustrated by Wayne Geehan. This book is a book about circumference and pi. It is a book about math which does not sound engaging but this book is really good! The story was taken place in a castle and kingdom. With out to much detail this book does not teach you anything it makes it engaging. It tells you about how pi was created (even though it is not true.) This book is really fun and interesting. I personally don’t like this book because it is not really my style. I like a lot of action, and mystery. This book might not engage you like it did to me. I rate this book a 3 out of 5 cause it might engage you but it didn’t engage me.  

Act Of Kindness #5

The day was a Tuesday (Yesterday) and I had a math tutor. He picked me up and we got Subway for dinner since it was late and I was hungry and my little brother wanted a bag of chips so I got my own five dollars and bought him one secretly gave it to him when we were eating. He loved it and it made me feel really good and nice. He really enjoyed it and I enjoyed giving it to him.

Act Of Kindness #4

So the day was a Thursday and those are the days I walk home. I walked to my house and my mom needed help shovelling our driveway . So I decided to help him do it and it took about three to five minutes because I was there to help. I enjoyed doing it cause it shortened the time it took her to do it and my mom could relax faster. I love helping my mom do things because she was so positive and happy doing it. Even though it was a tough job and I helped her. So that was my favourite kindness blog and my decisions make me happy at home!

Act Of Kindness #3

My mom got home from getting groceries and my dad was not home. There was a lot of groceries so I put my shoes on and went to the car and got half of the groceries in my hand and put it in the kitchen (I ended up doing three quarters of the groceries.)  This made me feel good and made her feel good as well. I love helping my mom ( and or family) do chores cause it makes them feel good and you get a boost of confidence when you are doing it.

Act Of Kindness #2

So me and my mom like to go to this coffee shop named Crema.  We were walking in and I noticed a disabled and old woman trying to get out of the way and leave. This is a really busy coffee shop and there was a lot of people in the way so I got up and opened the door for her and made sure she got out and in her car. I felt really good and loved opening doors for people. When I got back to my seat I felt really good and felt like I wanted to eat more and then I finished my cake super fast and loved it!